Vishwaniketan… Business Modelling Center Of Excellence

Vishwaniketan Institutes
2 min readJan 29, 2021


I, Mrs Neelam Kamthe, on behalf of Vishwaniketan’s BMCOE team, wholeheartedly welcome you to be part of the change we seek to get for our Indian Businesses.

During our efforts to move from conventional teaching methods to PBL, we realised that there is huge potential for the applicability of the PBL resultant projects in terms of Industry based solutions and in terms of independent business application.

Under the European Commission’s Project CENTRAL, which aims at capacity building in higher education, 3 of our teachers were sent to Aarhus University to be trained in Business Modelling.

In the Vishwaniketan Campus, we have created Vishwaniketan’s Business Modelling Center of Excellence ( BMCOE), which is a Business Modelling Lab, under guidance and association of Aarhus University Denmark. This is a patented lab and aims at providing strategic and simplified solutions to businesses and creating Business Modelling resources for India. The tools being used in the lab are simple and hence can be easily utilised for problem-solving by established businesses, even the small businesses and so also the aspiring entrepreneurs & students. The lab also acts like a channel which will help understand the European ways of doing business.

In today’s scenarios, with the advent of different technologies and a variety of solutions that are available in the markets, all the businesses have not been able to keep up with the speed with which technologies have changed over the recent years, in other words most of the businesses are facing problems which is not resolved can lead to a question about their survival.

Business Modelling is definitely on the best alternative available to such businesses. Such problems can be independently studied and resolved at BMCOE.

Getting good placements is an important goal of academic institutions, however this should not be the only goal. Having said that, how to create entrepreneurs in our own campus will be the next challenge.

BMCOE trains students via workshops, hands-on training’s, mentor sessions, other training programs to enhance their entrepreneurial skills. Aspiring entrepreneurs and students can learn about the different dimensions of business and create multiple working business models for themselves using our BeeLab. This has proved a very effective method to minimise their financial risks during their “Go-To-Market” strategy execution.

The Vishwaniketan’s Business Modelling Center of Excellence is a one of its kind center in India. It has been set up in Vishwaniketan to strengthen and enhance the CGC network in India and also to create a one of its kind Business Research Center in India. As CGC participating members we have planned for joint research and other project opportunities with universities across the globe.
Thanks and Regards
Mrs. Neelam Kamthe
Vishwaniketan’s Business Modelling Centre of Excellence



Vishwaniketan Institutes

Vishwaniketan aspires to be a world class institution by giving extra-ordinary learning experience to Indian students in collaboration with universities abroad